In The Dark…
By: Wild Spirit Wild Places
August 15, 2022
Everyone knows that our stars at night are big and bright here in the heart of Texas. We value our deep connection to the land and that includes our magnificent skies. However, due to the rapid population growth we’re seeing across Texas and a general lack of understanding, our skies are in danger! We’re going to show you how easy it is for you to make a significant difference and help save our skies.
Ways You Can Make A Difference
As with any issue we face, it’s always best to start by gathering the facts...
Congratulations, you have already begun to do just that! Wild Spirit Wild Places, Desert Door, and many other businesses in and outside of Texas recommend starting with the International Dark-Sky Association when looking for accurate and trustworthy information about light pollution. Visit their site to educate yourself on the issue, or even better, donate to support their efforts!
In Your Home
Now that you see how important it is to protect our skies, the next step is to take a look at your own home to see what changes you can make. Start by asking yourself “Do I really need this light?” Reevaluating your current set-up could end up making a significant difference and even save you money!
***Your goal here should be to make your space as dark as possible while keeping safety in mind.
Adjust your outdoor lights! All outdoor lighting should be pointed down to ensure the beam of light shines away from the sky. If this is not possible, try to install the light in a higher position to cover a larger area.
Find the right lighting! When searching for outdoor lighting products try to find ones that emit low levels of warm light.
Use a light shield! Light shields should also be used, they even improve safety!
Avoid unnecessary lighting! This one may be tough for some landscape designers but another simple solution is to avoid using any landscape lighting. Yes, they can look great, but it’s time to admit that they do more harm than good.
In Your Community
We are not in this alone. Light pollution has always been a community problem that will always require community solutions to make a significant difference. One person can improve the situation but the strength of the movement is attributed to teamwork.
Talk to your neighbors! If you notice that a neighbor has their lights in a position that contributes to light pollution, approach them with your new-found knowledge. Bring a few alternatives with you to help them solve the problem. Be kind, strategic, and ready to help.
Know the Law! There is a growing movement among state and local governments to enact policy restricting light pollution in hopes of protecting our night skies. If your community doesn’t already have a local ordinance regulating outdoor lighting, talk to your community leaders about becoming a provisional International Dark Sky Community!
Join a local Dark Skies group! We understand that it can be difficult to become an official Dark Sky Community but there are so many other options to enjoy your night sky and make a difference in your community. Visit ( to start a group of your own!
Go to a Star Party! Star parties are an excellent way to immerse yourself in the benefits of having dark skies. Astronomers, photographers, and other experts will be there to teach you all about your local sky.
With a simple commitment to conservation you can make a significant difference in your community. The best part, it is incredibly easy for us to make these simple changes and improve our skies for generations to come.
If you found this information valuable, we ask that you please visit to learn more or donate.
We would also like to hear what sort of changes you have made to protect your night sky! Let us know by commenting below!