Join Wild Spirit Wild Places for a Beach Cleanup!
Saturday, September 20th
The beaches of Texas are important to our great state. They are home to many species of marine and wildlife. Preserving the beach habitat is essential to our state’s well-being.
Come help us keep Texas beaches clean and healthy. We are a proud sponsor of the Texas Adopt-A-Beach Coastwide Cleanup!
TIME: Check-in opens at 8:30 am. The cleanup begins at 9 a.m. and runs until noon.
LOCATION: The Texas Coast! We are in the process of determining a location.
Mark the date on your calendar and check back with us for registration details.
Plan on wearing closed-toe shoes and bring plenty of drinking water and a hat.
Adopt-A-Beach will provide all necessary cleanup supplies, but consider bringing your own set of garden or work gloves to use and a reuseable water bottle.
Download the CleanSwell app to track the trash you find!
Since the first cleanup in 1986, more than 580,000 Texas Adopt-A-Beach volunteers have picked up more than 10,000 tons of trash from Texas beaches, some of it originating from as far away as South America.